useful R function.
These is a function that I recursively used in analysis using R. I have rewritten in Rcpp to make use of vectorization and make the task faster.
The function takes in a numeric vector and make all the NA values into 0, which is handy when there's missing data in the table.
I will test the speed compare to the original ifelse R equivalent command.
#load/compile the functions
#simulate data
a <- sample(c(rnorm(100000,1:100),rep(NA,10000)))
#test second function
## Unit: microseconds
## expr min lq mean median uq
## removeNA(a) 665.065 771.2185 2289.387 1122.832 1600.63
## ifelse(, 0, a) 36003.881 43070.1215 62004.357 49713.592 90096.88
## max neval cld
## 53051.31 100 a
## 132315.03 100 b
From the experiment, Rcpp functions make use of vectorization and increase the speed significantly (did not do a t-test, but probably p<0.05).