A script to remove fastq reads given a read ID file-updated.
An update to my previous post
After my qualifying exam, I am trying to allocate some time for learning different new things, one thing I have been wanted to do for a while is to implement the python script in C. This script utilized Heng Li's kseq library and khash library
For a Fastq file with 8720139 reads, id file with 4477244 ids:
$ time ./filterReads fastqFile idFile | grep -c '^@'
## 4242895
## ./filterReads fastqFile
## 18.07s user
## 1.89s system
## 99% cpu
## 20.154 total
## grep -c '^@' 1.83s user 0.38s system 10% cpu 20.153 total
$ time ./remove_reads.py fastqFile idFile | grep -c '^@'
## 4242895
## ./remove_reads.py fastqFile
## 62.37s user
## 2.81s system
## 99% cpu
## 1:05.44 total
## grep -c '^@NS' 2.41s user 0.73s system 4% cpu 1:05.44 total
So it seems like 4 times faster in C.
Another Major difference, filterReads.c hashed id list instead of fastq file when comparing to remove_reads.py.
Addition reading: https://github.com/lh3/readfq